Ki Moments Blog

Support for life’s “key” moments.

January 24, 2025

The Next Right Decision

The Next Right Decision

Each January, I ask myself what I'm hoping for in the year ahead, what personal conflicts I want to resolve, relationships I want to nurture. And I imagine how the year might unfold.

If you're like me, some energy is probably flowing more freely in this new year, while certain relationships and life situations could benefit from more clarity, more honesty, and more freedom.

If you can, imagine yourself free of any "stuckness" that surrounds difficult relationships. What internal struggles are present that you'd like to see resolved?

The Next Right Decision

Breathe through the places where you feel resistant. Take some time to feel the resistance and be present with it. Believe that change is possible and begin to move in that direction. Take one step, even if it's a small one. We can't see too far ahead, but we can make the next right decision.

For example, you can approach the conversation you've been putting off. You can take one step toward making the decision that's holding you back. You can sort through the attending emotions, and look for the underlying gift.

Some possible support resources as you move forward:

  • Turn Enemies Into Allies - Judy Ringer
  • Unlikely Teachers - Judy Ringer
  • The Magic of Conflict - Thomas Crum
  • Difficult Conversations - Stone, Patton, and Heen
  • Conversations Worth Having – Jackie Stavros and Cheri Torres
  • Think Again – Adam Grant

All of the above are books available on Amazon, and most can be found at your local library.

Sending good wishes and lots of energy for 2025.

Good Ki!

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