Ki Moments Blog

Support for life’s “key” moments.

March 15, 2017

Leadership Presence and the Relational Field

Leadership Presence and the Relational Field

Relational fields are the invisible, yet palpable fields of energy that connect us when we are present with someone….

The more resourceful and congruent we become, the more our energy and presence begins to shape the relational field in which we are interacting. Our organizing principle as an individual becomes an organizing principle in the system. 


Leadership Presence: What is it exactly? I'm asked this question often, and recently I read a wonderful post by my colleage Doug Silsbee that offers deep insight into this question, as well as how to develop it and manifest it in the world. As Doug says, we are living in unprecedented times. Developing the awareness to understand how we influence our environment and do so purposefully is a much needed leadership competency.

Thank you, Doug!

Please enjoy Leadership Presence in Complexity, by Doug Silsbee

(photo: courtesy of Doug Silsbee)

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