It's been a busy, stressful beginning to 2025 for me, and I was late with my January post, which published just under the wire.
Some of the stress has been really good--we moved to a new home in December that we love and are happy in. And there was a lot to do. Packing and unpacking. Saying goodbye to a home we lived in for 41 years, and a neighborhood we loved. Getting to know and find comfort in our new home, new town and new neighbors. There was, and continues to be, a lot to do.
Plus, some illnesses in my family are pretty much always on my mind these days. And even though I said I was winding down Power & Presence Training, I said yes in recent months to some workshops that have placed me on planes, buses and rental cars in various regions of the U.S. So some travel, and the accompanying stress that comes with it.
And, yes, we live in a world where--it seems to me anyway--a world where many folks would rather fight than listen, try to understand, or move toward solving problems. Just being in our world right now can be stressful.
Seeing With Fresh Eyes
Then I had breakfast with my friend Pam, who always invites me into a world of wonder, and we talked about my move, and she said, "You must be seeing everything with 'fresh eyes'!"
It's true. My husband Jim and I moved to a town only about 20 minutes from where we used to live, but everything we are doing feels fresh. The first time walking downtown, the first time cooking a favorite meal in our new kitchen, the first time seeing the sunset over the river we can see from our front room. Meeting new neighbors, walking new paths, visiting new stores and cafes, and a new library.
It's pretty great.
It makes me wonder--why not explore this idea further, and maybe see old friends with fresh eyes, hear family members with fresh ears, perceive as new even those experiences I've had many times.
I'm playing with this idea and having some fun.
- Listening to my brother recently, I tried to hear what hopes were behind his words.
- Watching my husband tend to the dishwasher (how mundane, right?) with fresh eyes, I see how gently he places each dish, glass, or piece of flatware. It's amazing.
- Hearing responses from a workshop participant that I'd never heard before (after 30+ years presenting). Wow!
- Really watching the sun set.
- Really feeling, as if it were the first time, the way the water flows around me when I swim.
See, Hear, Feel, Taste, Smell
These are just a few examples, but each time I'm able to see or hear or feel or taste or smell with fresh perception, I return to the present moment--I'm with one thing, person, or awareness. Stress is nowhere to be found.
I'm even breathing more deeply as I write this because, yes, I'm present with this thought, the feeling of my fingers on the keyboard, and the sight of the words appearing on the page. I can smell the floral scent in the room.
If I could offer you this feeling, I would say slow down. Stop and see what you're seeing as if for the first time. Notice one thing you hadn't before. Really taste, smell, hear, see and feel. It will bring you back to this moment. It will relieve your stress.
And you can do it anytime.
Good Ki!
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