Ki Moments Blog

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Showing posts with the tag “Stress Management”

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  • August 16, 2016

    More Blessed, Less Stressed: My Four Agreements

    More Blessed, Less Stressed: My Four Agreements

    Recently I found myself offering words of encouragement to my nephew and his bride in advance of their upcoming wedding. What interested me was that the words were very similar to suggestions I'd made to a client upon the completion of some work together.

    I had to stop and think about that.

    Was I really saying the same thing in these very different settings?

    I was.

    And when I looked more deeply, I saw how the suggestions suited both circumstances. My intent was to offer support in both cases, and the applications are limitless. Like Don Miguel Ruiz' Four Agreements, they are guides to peace and quality of life--medicine for our volatile and stress-inducing world.

  • June 7, 2016

    Single Most Important Thing To Manage Stress

    Single Most Important Thing To Manage Stress

    "The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another."
    --William James, American psychologist

    A good friend sent me a great YouTube link recently -- a visual lecture titled: The Single Most Important Thing You Can Do To Manage Stress, by Dr. Mike Evans.

    Any guesses as to what the single most important thing might be?