Ki Moments Blog

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Showing posts with the tag “Breathing”

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  • March 1, 2023

    Breathing Our Way Back to Balance

    Breathing Our Way Back to Balance

    Recently, I was playing with my niece and nephews, 4-year-old triplets full--really full--of rambunctious energy. It was total fun, and they wore me out. At one point, as I saw them headed my way for more playtime, I suggested we all take a breath.

    I demonstrated what I meant by breathing in through my nose and out through my mouth. After a few conscious breaths, I invited them to "play" along.

    There was an immediate change...

  • May 10, 2016

    Centering Tip: Exhale!

    Centering Tip: Exhale!

    Several things happened recently to remind me how we forget to breathe.

    In yoga class, our instructor emphasized the importance of the exhale. She said that in order to breathe deeply, we have to exhale first. That our lungs contain a lot of stale air (as much as 7 years worth!) and exhaling fully helps us get rid of the old stuff and take in the new.

    At breakfast with my goddaughter, we got to talking about her college life, friends, and studies. She and her friends are studious high achievers, and I was surprised and disheartened to learn that stress and busyness are badges of honor among her mates...