Welcome back to Ki Moments ...
to November and autumn in New England. Crisp air. Transitions. Thanksgiving.
Let this be a ki moment. Be grateful ... for a friend, a loved one, a breath of fresh air ... and be happy for what's good in your life.
I'm expressing gratitude this month with my annual November Thank You! Sale. Save 33% on:
Unlikely Teachers, my book on finding the hidden gifts in daily conflict; and Simple Gifts, my CD of stories and songs on making the most of life's Ki Moments.
Free shipping!
Sale ends Dec. 1.
Give yourself or loved ones a gift of positive ki. Check out the sale here ...
Good ki!
Judy Ringer
What's It All About?
Recently, my friend Fran told me that I was the most balanced person she knew. I laughed, seeing myself in all my uncentered moments -- grouchy; judgmental; fearful. "Thanks, Fran." I said. "If only you could see me some days!"
"Really!?" she said, seemingly surprised. I felt an invitation to commiserate: Yes, isn't it awful? Try as we might, we'll never find lasting balance, peace, or center.
Maybe it was the glorious October sun or my invigorating morning swim, but instead I said, "Yes, we're all human. Isn't it great?!"
Where Is My Spirit?
I didn't always feel this way. Thirty-seven years ago, just married, I went through a particularly rough patch. My dad died unexpectedly six months after my wedding day, I was living thousands of miles from home in an apartment with paper-thin walls, and nothing seemed to make any difference any more. My mantra from Stevie Wonder's current hit album was, "Where is my spirit? I'm nowhere near it."
One evening, angry and sad, I told my new husband that life was meaningless, pointless. Why work? Why do anything? We're here for such a short time and then it's over. What's it all about?
Jim - a philosopher - who actually thinks about questions like "What's it all about?" surprised me by agreeing with me. He said that meaning is an illusion. To some this is depressing. To others it's freeing. The Buddha found it enlightening. After sitting under the Bodi tree for seven years, as the story goes, it was the seemingly small and meaningless action of a woman offering him a bowl of rice that precipitated his awakening.
Jim continued to expand on the slippery subject of the meaning of life. I listened, touched by his kindness, but philosophical theory was no match for my state of being then. It took many years and life experiences to develop my own reasons for being.
I've come to believe that I construct the meaning of my life through words, actions, and choices. This is what Jim had in mind when he said meaning is an illusion. Life happens. Things just are. We create the meaning. I may still not know exactly what it's all about, but I believe that the meaning I make can have an impact for good.
You may know the story of the young boy assiduously picking up starfish on the beach one day and throwing them, one by one, back into the ocean. A passerby, seeing this, pointed out the uncountable starfish still left and asked the boy why he was bothering; he could work all day and not make a difference. The little boy picked up another starfish, threw it into the ocean and said, "It makes a difference to this one."
Every day, every moment, we make a difference. Our actions create ripples like the aftereffects of a pebble thrown into a pond. These actions emanate from our beliefs. Remembering this helps me choose my beliefs and the meaning I make of what life throws my way.
"This being human is a guest-house." (Rumi) Notice the gifts. And return to center.
Happy Thanksgiving! And Put On A Happy Face today.
Meet Tracie
Someone I'm very grateful for is my new assistant, Tracie Shroyer. Tracie is a Virtual Assistant and manages my work from her home office in Lino Lakes, MN. She's efficient, knowledgeable, intuitive, and upbeat. I feel like I'm her only client (and I know I'm not). Tracie is responsible for making sure Ki Moments reaches you every month - an important job!
Thank you, Tracie!
If you need help with your business, meet Tracie here!
Ki Workshops!
Practice new skills, connect with like-minded learners, and direct your energy in a positive and purposeful direction.
Special tuition fees for alums!
Sunday, Nov. 7, 1:30-4:30 pm
Getting on the Mat
Learn Aikido techniques to increase presence under pressure.
Tuition: $295.00
Location: Cambridge, MA
Tuesday, Nov. 30, 9:30 am - 4:00 pm
6 CEUs
Tuition: $235.00 per person
Location: UNH, Portsmouth, NH
Tuesday, December 14, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Managing Difficult Conversations
Develop personally, advance professionally, and improve the quality of your interactions.
Tuition: $155.00
Location: Portsmouth, NH
Wednesday, January 12, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Speak with confidence and presence.
Tuition: $155.00
Location: Portsmouth, NH
Visit www.JudyRinger.com for more training ideas. Or call us to custom design a program for your team or organization.
Contact Information
Judy Ringer
Power & Presence Training
76 Park Street
Portsmouth, NH 03801
voice: 603.431.8560
website: www.judyringer.com
Judy Ringer is Founder of Power & Presence Training, a Portsmouth, NH company specializing in unique workshops to help you and your organization manage conflict, communicate effectively, and co-create a more positive work environment.
E-mail Judy at judy@judyringer.com for a free initial meeting to discuss your training needs. Ki (from Ai-ki-do) is Japanese for life energy. Ki Moments is a complimentary monthly "e-zine" with tips and how-to articles to help you manage the key moments in your life.
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