It's New Year's Day and I'm thinking about and visualizing the year ahead. My friend and mentor, author Thomas Crum, introduced an experience at one of his Magic trainings many years back. We were asked to imagine ourselves a year ahead and to write down all the things we were grateful for that had happened in the year just gone by.
So... if I were to do that exercise today (and I did), I would be visualizing myself on January 1, 2025, and writing down all the events, experiences, people, and actions that happened in 2025 that I was grateful for.
It's interesting to look at my 2024 letter to self and see how many of the happenings I imagined actually came to be. Here's an example of one that did.
I have closed Power & Presence Training, and I feel good about it. Very good. My website is just what I want it to be, still offering resources to people, and I continue to write. Who knows, this may be the year of the next book!
I love this exercise, because it allows me to do a different kind of visioning--one that puts me in the future with the vision already accomplished. Some of the things I imagine and write down I am pretty sure I can accomplish. Some, I know, are not up to me. Another example:
I'm happy the members of my family are enjoying good health.
I don't have control over others' actions or well-being, but I can imagine it.
Here's an example from my January 1, 2025 letter to self:
Although it was a tumultuous election year, I think we’ve elected the right person for the job and the country seems to be settling down to a more peaceful place.
See what I mean? It gives me peace to imagine this scenario and, in my belief system, what we envision contains a magic and power of its own.
Who knows?
There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.--Shakespeare (Hamlet)
If this sounds interesting to you, try it. Write a letter to yourself today, put it away, and read it on New Year's Day next year. Even more fun -- ask someone to do it with you!
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Thank you for reading, and have a great, healthy, happy, joyful, and peaceful 2024!
Good ki!
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